to Rah
and Co!

We're Rah and Co, and we're here to help you feel at peace in your space.

It doesn't matter if you're just starting out or if you've been trying to get your space organized for years—we're here for you! We help you edit (declutter) your stuff so it fits into your life and maximizes your space and time. Then we build storage solutions around what matters most to you so that your house is a place where you want to be instead of somewhere that stresses you out.

Client love

 Not knowing where to start. Living in a mess that would take us at least a year to get through. Rah&Co came in and unpacked organized got rid of boxes and smoothly organized room after room. Bedrooms, closets, kitchen, pantry, bathrooms, laundry, garage, game room, school room, office supplies and lots more. They were very respectful to our home, careful with our possessions and had discretion for our privacy. I felt so comfortable and trusted our home was in good hands. It turned out better organized than it was before the flood. They even taught my boys how to organize and put up their clothes properly. I gave up teaching them but now they are keeping up with the organization and neatness of their rooms. It is so nice to know where everything is. Rachel’s system just makes since. I can think clearer. A organized home declutter’s the mind. We can breathe, move, and live in our home. Thank you Rah&Co You saved us a year of our lives 🤗

Professional Organizer |

Professional Organizer |

Rachel believes organization does not equal getting rid of all the things you love. Instead, Rah and Co. makes your items easier to find, which means you’ll reach for it more often.

Rah and Co. organizes for all people in all stages of life & accumulation!